Well, I have hit that line in the sand. Yes, my slide has stopped working like it "potta." No, how could this happen you ask. Well, where do I begin. It started about 6 months ago when, like so many other free wheelin', God fearin Americans, I visited Quartszite, Arizona for that fix that we Free Willy Americans long for,,,,the great outdoors of the desert. Now I must point out that I'm not alone. Yeah, there were a half million other seekers of the way with me. But,,,, I digress.
In Coburg, Oregon, you find an REV dealer that fixes everything. Yep, that's their pledge. If you have these kinds of motorhomes, we got you covered.
So yours truly calls a month ago and gets an appointment for Monday. So, like others, I wait. Some clean, others wash and fix broke "stuff", others watch the tube, and others park and wait for the magician to fix it.
One very nice woman was trying to teach FIDO to fetch. I watched, and I watched. In the end, it was time for another drink, and she gave up as did FIDO.
And then, there was the couple that had found the "Fountain of Youth."
These two were incredible. In conversation, he was drafted in the Army in 1962 and sent to Viet Nam. While there, he was wounded and later evacuated back to the United States. His wife (bless her sweet heart), was so proud of him and was glad someone would highlight his life. What he told me is an example of who is out there living the dream. This guy has lived a full life and just won't slow down. She was a sweetheart. God Bless em.
So, in the end, Princess Grace of Monaco, Frogger, Katey, Abby, and myself, wait for our appointment. I check in at 06:00 and then wait......and wait......and wait.
God Bless all!!!
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