Well, the day of reckoning is here. Wow, is it ever. All the hype is over. All travel plans have been made to be somewhere parked instead of on the road. Did you hear, there's a lot of folks out there on the road. We were able to secure a campsite local to family and we are so glad. (As the week before developed, our Great-Niece Lindsey started to exhibit signs and symptoms of going into labor. A lil early there Elizabeth. After almost a whole week in the hospital, Lindsey came home and Elizabeth is calmed down).
Thanks to our Great-Nephew Hunter, we now have our special glasses. Since this day is supposed to be sunny and warm, appropriate clothing has been donned. Oh, and did I mention, Abby has been walked, watered, fed, she's ready. May not look like it, but this animal is totally prepared for all Encounters of the Third Kind. She's at her guard post and ready.
Coffee is done, one cup drank, lets get that second one, sit down and get this show on the road. Did I mention we have special glasses? Throughout the morning I knew I wanted to take pictures. But not just any photo would do. Oh No! Not owning any high speed, high cost filters, I came to the conclusion I would take photos of the photo takers. Some had high speed aspirations, most just enjoyed the camaraderie of friends and family. Some with libations, and some just trying to open their eyes from the previous evening. (Yeah, there were those people too).
I'm ready! |
These guys came in the night before, stayed for the eclipse, then left. |
This was an opportunity to catch up with old friends locally. |
Nice folks behind us. Oregon State fans!!! |
Some were really into it. |
Most were just glad the day was finally here and we could spend it with friends. |
You have your chair, I have mine. |
One family really caught my eye. Just how to get young and old involved together. Yeah, there's those special glasses we have to wear, but those lil guys need another draw. Something that sets them apart from everyone else. This Mom nailed it. Introducing the Eclipse Invaders of the RV Park. Complete with Uncle Bill, Mom, Dad, and the nameless Eclipse Invaders.
This Mom made it special for her guys. AWESOME!!!
And after the long wait, at about 10:17 PST, it happened. The Moon was in front of the Sun and Earth was thrown into darkness. It got eerily dark. Street lights came on as did all solar lights in the park. What kind of world this. Dogs and Cats started displaying signs of another world. Was this a prediction or are we thrown into another dimension? We found ourselves living behind the dark side of the moon. "Hello Hello, is anybody out there". This is so cool!
As we waited for the totality, I wondered what it would look like, but I never imagined....... It got totally dark. I mean, no light!!!
Total darkness!!!! Solar lights on. Are you kidding me?! |
Not to worry, Guard Dog still at the ready!!! |
Looking for the right angle and sun illumination. This guy is totally into it. |
Even Katie got into it. |
Street lined with photo takers and onlookers and fans. |
WOW!!! Everybody had special glasses. |
Eclipse 2017 |
So, for around two hours, we were blessed with another great example of why a single event can bring everyone together. People cheered. Hooping, hollering, and general "carrying on" could be seen and heard. Old, young, Moms and Dads, lil guys, people of all ages. This was a good morning to go WOW!!!!